Well, the "high wind advisory" is no longer in effect but instead has been replaced with a "high wind warning." AAaAaaAgh! What does it take to get a break from this weather? I've had two recovery days (in a row, unheard of for me I know.) I'm feeling good and I want to ride with my Ski Utah girls. (Sorry BG, I don't think I can bring myself to be called a bunny. Maybe a jack rabbit?) I guess riding in this wind would be a good workout. Except I need to change out my wheels from my American Classic to the Bontragers. The Bontragers suck in the wind. My rear hub (we think) is making some kind of noise. Sam was too trashed from his tri to look at it last night.
Speaking of wheels. I asked the guy at Canyon Bikes on Wasatch if American Classic does a powertap hub. He said no. Of course, due to my distrust of not just men but especially those in bike shops, I checked with American Classic myself. They DO a powertap wheel. However, there are no shops in Utah that deal with American Classic. (A certain bike shop in the Riverton area told me that my hub on my AC's was Campy and not Shimano. I called AC myself and they not only assured me that I had the right hub, they helped me put in on over the phone. See distrust statement above. I'm sure it doesn't help when I go to a shop dressed in my work suits. All they see is blonde, big boobed sucker that doesn't know anything about bikes.) So I've emailed AC and hopefully I can get myself a powertap on the wheels that I love. So sad to have cash in the bank and want a big ticket item and have such trouble getting it. One has to wonder if having a penis would help in these matters.
So this post has kind of turned into a bit of a tirade. Please forgive. I am trying to shed a few pounds before race season hits hard. It seems that at 1800 calories a day (I assure you this is a deficit) that I am eating enough only to take the edge off my hunger. I haven't weighed for a few days but it does seem my waist is getting smaller. Unfortunately this only serves to make my rear and breasts look bigger. I must remember that even at my lowest body fat percentage, I still bore no resemblance to an athlete of any kind let alone a cyclist. I really have one of those child bearing figures that would go well with long fake fingernails and big hair. Best for long days spent shopping at the mall. . . .
Which brings me to my final bit of verbage. I have added a new quote to the side. Like Kathy Sessler I too would prefer to be on my bike instead of in the mall. I like too how she talks about racing (not necessarily winning) as a big self-esteeem builder. I feel like every race is a win for me just because I have fought my couch potato genes and have gone out and done it. Hopefully with less weight and more training I can get some wins in too.
I have one more quote that I like too. I know lots of people that wont race because they're not in good enough shape or they need more time or training. Well, here you go, "
Some people are professional trainers and do little racing. But you can make the greatest gains through competition. I never would have realized my potential if it weren't for racing. There's nothing like it to push you. It improves fitness and bike handling. You find yourself at speeds you would never attain in training." - Ned Overend
So with all that off my chest, I am going to go clean my house while casting evil looks out my window at wind that is currently slamming my rose bushes against the house.